Tennis is a famous outdoor sport which involves playing with a racket. Mainly played as an individual, this sport can also be played in doubles. Each player requires to have a racket in order to play this sport.
The main types of equipment that are required to play sports include ball, racket, and net. There are different great players who have mastered the art of tennis and are great players.
This sport is loved by all the adults as well as children. Here are some of the famous tennis slogans which will help you know more about this excellent sport.
List of 100 great tennis slogans
- Play hard, win easy
- Get the win in your court
- No soft serves here
- Affair in the air
- Dominate the ball
- Not just my dog’s favorite ball
- I’d rather be playing tennis
- Smash the game
- A smashing win
- Let me serve you
- Let’s play tennis
- Born for tennis
- Tennis in blood
- Keep your eyes open
- Nothing can stop you
- Tennis is love
- I love tennis
- Tennis every day is my drug
- Tennis is addictive
- Practice dedication and motivation together makes a champion
- Not words only action
- Playing tennis is good for your mood
- Defend and keep defending
- Respect that’s all you need
- Promote education and play tennis
- Tennis above all
- Keeping playing until you die
- Never quit keeping playing
- Even the Gods play tennis
- The only player that can beat me is me, myself
- Point’s matters
- Marry a tennis player
- Listen to mom play tennis
- Tennis every day keeps the boredom away
- No tennis no life
- Respect is the key to success
- Tennis is my medicine
- Set your tennis goals
- Grab a ball let’s play tennis
- Served with talent and hard work
- Diverse by nations united by tennis
- It’s my game
- I rule tennis
- In love with tennis
- I breathe tennis
- Say yes to tennis
- Never say no to tennis
- Tennis today, tomorrow and every day
- The best thing I can do is a tennis
- Motivated by tennis
- Smash like a tennis player
- Win with respect
- Obey your coach
- Train like a champion to be a champion
- You lose, you practice, you compete again
- My life depends on the points
- My racquet speaks about my talent
- I love to play tennis
- In a relationship with the racquet, ball, and court
- Every day is a competition
- Tennis forever
- Tennis is happiness
- A good player respects all
- Respect the game; it will respect you
- Timing, accuracy and speed, that’s what it takes,
- The action only no talks
- My racquet will answer all your questions
- Nothing can replace tennis
- Tennis is played in hell
- Tennis is tough…if you practice once a week
- Practice everyday
- Tennis is not a game it’s a religion
- My religion is a tennis
- Tennis makes me strong
- Tennis is future
- Together we play together we win
- Have faith and keep playing tennis
- Accept defeat but never quit
- You lose when you quit
- The only shortcut is training and everyday training
- Nothing can substitute hard work
- Play fair, that’s the mantra
- Every opponent is strong
- Compete as if it’s your last game
- You will is your source of power
- I don’t play tennis I enjoy it
- There is nothing as great as tennis