Water is the basis of life. It is an inorganic, taste-free, and colorless substance. It is the most essential thing that a person requires in order to stay alive. There are various ways in which it is used. The most essential thing is to relieve thirst. Some of the privileged people tend to wastewater which is having a really drastic effect on society.
Saving water has come important in order to survive in the environment. Going further, here are some of the
save water slogans that will definitely help you to know more about the importance of water.
40 Best Slogans on Saving Water and encourage people to preserve water
- You never know the worth of water until the well runs dry.
- Don’t be the leak in our global flow
- A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man
- Save water and save the life on the earth
- Water is the soul of earth, Let’s not separate them both
- Today’s wastage is tomorrow’s shortage
- Put a brick in your toilet tank, to save water
- Don’t flush our planet’s most valuable resource.
- You can’t wash the waste from your hands when it’s all gone.
- The best gift you can give to coming generation is water.
- Caring for water is caring for us all.
- Nothing will be left here without water.
- Rich or poor in water. It’s the only currency that really matters.
- A Gallon saved is a millions earned
- A slogan on Water is a slogan on life.
- Reduce the power in your shower and save a buck or have good luck
- Leaks make our future bleak
- There is a thin line between using water and wasting water.
- We can’t drink dust, dirt, oil or rust. But water. Well, that’s a must.
- Water crisis is not just a myth, Close the tap while brushing your teeth
- No matter, how much rich you are, you can’t live without water
- Drip, drop, drip, drop. This kind of clock must be stopped.
- 4 minute shower, not a quarter hour!
- Water is a priceless treasure, Let’s conserve it with all our pleasure
- Save water at least for your kids
- Keep the rivers clean & earth evergreen.
- Save the water here and there, don’t waste it anywhere
- Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.
- It’s time to realize, save water and be wise.
- If you forget to save water today, Water will forget you tomorrow
- Pure water = better life. Don’t ruin it.
- Be green like a pro, by conserving H20
- Life depends on water and Water conservation depends on you!
- We need your helping hand, to save water, sky and land.
- The World Is Thirsty, Because We Are Hungry
- Water level is going low, Act fast, and don’t be slow