Heights have always caused deaths and different massive injuries which have taken quite a time to be good. If you are involved with some company in which you have to work on heights, make sure that proper safety measures are taken. Taking proper safety measures will involve you with less risk at your work. Going ahead, here are some of the safety at heights slogans. These slogans will help you to know different things about safety at the heights involved. Going ahead, you can read some of the specially curated slogans. These are specially created for people who want to know more about safety at heights.
Below is List Of Some Of The Safety at Heights Slogans :
- A hat on your head keeps you from being dead.
- A minute of safety, a lifetime of reward
- What goes up, must go down, safely
- Keep your attention on accident prevention.
- Working at a height without a safety belt is a sure way to fall.
- Skip the slip to avoid the hospital trip.
- Make safety your call, to prevent a fatal fall
- Take your time and take extra care, when it comes to height safety you should be aware.
- Be extra careful at the workplace
- Watch your step. The next step may be your last step.
- Prevent a fright, when working from a height
- Fall safety is a must, or else you end up in the dust
- You don’t have wings so skip flying.
- To avoid being sick, walk with your stick.
- Top workers never use the top of the ladder for stepping.
- Be a safety hero, score an accident zero
- Broken tools can be replaced, but you can’t
- Prevention can save your life.
- Don’t risk a fall, use a ladder properly
- An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure