20+ Catchy Hand Safety Slogans

Many people often lose their hands while at work or at home. Sometimes, their hands get cut or even sometimes people lose their whole hand. There have been many instances when people are known to lose their hands because proper safety wasn’t followed.
There is still a need to make everyone aware of the safety of hands and provide them with proper instructions in order to keep them safe. For making people understand, here are some of the hand safety slogans for you. They are specially curated in order to provide safety awareness amongst people. Go on to read further.

25+ Catchy Hand Safety Slogans

  • Fingers are precious, don’t ignore – or they could end up on the floor
  • Protect your hands, you need them to pick up your paycheck.
  • Use your eyes to protect your hands
  • 10 fingers, 10 toes 2 eyes 1 nose…safety counts
  • Your hand is your most important tool – Protect it!
  • Hand safety: Do it, Do it right, Do it right now
  • Behind the wheel, anger is one letter away from danger.
  • Working safely protect your hands
  • Being safe is in your own hands.
  • Your beautiful hand also requires safety
  • Life without hands is not easy, take care of them
  • Think sharp….never handle broken glass with bare hands.
  • Your hands are your main tools, take care of them
  • Those precious fingers don’t ignore, Or they could end up on the floor
  • Protect only the fingers you WANT to keep!
  • Annoying policies and procedures save hands and fingers
  • We love your hands, please protect them!
  • Keep calm and make your hands safe
  • Protect your hands, you hold your child with them
  • Get a grip. To prevent a slip, use handrails