Oral-B slogans
- Long-lasting
- Recharge your smile.
- Brush like a dentist.
- With a beautiful smile
- Turn on a healthy smile
- Big smile starts with us
- Removes bad breath
- Oral care starts from us
- For gentle dental care
- Because your smile matters
- The toothbrush you can rely upon
- Rock awesome teeth every day
- White teeth matres
- A healthy smile starts with a good toothbrush.
- Makes kids want to brush
- A smile is a curve that straightens everything
- Brush your teeth every day with us
- Your personal toothbrush
- Everything on board for happy smiles
- Fits between to get teeth clean.
- Accessible oral care of the highest quality.
- Be confident, use our toothbrush
- The toothbrush that fights germs
- Toothbrush for a better world
- Make the toothbrush your biggest weapon
- Dental professionals love it and so will you.
- Nutrition right, smile beautifully
- Completing the void in oral care
- Better bristles, beautiful teeth.
- Smooth dental care of high quality
- Excellence and quality treatment with a toothbrush
- Brush your teeth in a calm and relaxed climate
- The confidence behind your smile
- Choose none other than us
- Protection of germs
- Fight cavity with our toothpaste
- The gentle brush for your beautiful teeth
- Give more to yourself, less to your dentist
- The brush you can count on
- Affordable toothbrush like none
- Enjoy a sweet brushing experience
- Wherever smiles come alive
- The best toothbrush in town
- A comfortable brushing experience
- Trust us, we can take care of your teeth
- For the teeth that matters
- Brush your teeth like you mean it
- For long-lasting teeth
- We give life to smiles
- We’re dealing with a plaque and bad odour
- Great smile, every day
- Find your progression towards better oral care